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? Foot massage is great health care method used by people, helping to soothe tired feet and relieve stress.
? Take care of your feet now!

? The leg is a part focusing of many vital meridians and acupuncture points, which control the health of the whole body. Therefore, the foot massage plays an important method to the body’s health, supporting the treatment of many common diseases.

? Foot massage will help stimulate and enhance blood circulation, reduce fatigue, stress, and balance the mind. It also helps to restore the flexibility of the limbs’ muscles, enhance the immune system, reduces aches and pains, prevents illness, and helps sleep better.

☘ In particular, foot massage has a beauty benefit due to the blood circulation and regulating activity in the liver, kidneys, digestive system,… will help the skin always be healthy, smooth, then slow down the aging process. In addition, foot massage also helps protect the feet, avoiding edema, darkening, cracked dry skin,…

? With 18 years of experience, Golden Lotus is the best healthcare center in Saigon. Give your feet a break with traditional foot massage at Golden Lotus!

 Inbox for more information: https://m.me/GoldenLotusSpaSaiGon/

? Website: https://goldenlotusspamassageclub.business.site/
❤ Information about us,
? List of Golden Lotus Spa in District 1:
▪ 20 Ho Huan Nghiep, D1 – 028.3822.1227
▪ 15 Thai Van Lung, D1 – 028.3822.1515
▪ 17 Le Thanh Ton, D1 – 028.3827.0206